About Me

I am a senior Mechanical Engineering student at Clemson University. I have been married for 17 years. I have two children.

How do yousee things?

What is one of the main criteria that is used in selecting a car?  I know that there are many, but probably one of the top ones is the appearance of the car.  A type of car may become popular and viewed as safe and efficient all based on the fact that it looks nice, all the while one does not have any information regarding the safety and efficiencyof that car.  How we perceive things is very important.

The paper that I read for this post dealt with this idea.  There is a growing emphasis on the environment and how we can be more eco-friendly and automakers are some of the main groups that are being targeted for this movement.  The paper talks about a method that was created to help automakers  in the design of thier cars.  It stated that just by seeing the silhouette of a car, one will perceive whether or not it is environmentally friendly.

A survey was created that contained images of car silhouettes, as shown in the following picture,

Figure 1

They picked 7 points on the silhouette and changed them to give the car a different look.

Figure 2
 The ratings were based on how people percieved the car as environmently friendly and if the shape was inspired by nature. 

I have decided not to disclose the results for this study because I would be interested to see what your perception of these silhouettes are.  Refer to Figure 1 and comment on the top two silhouettes you think meet the criteria.


Carson | November 29, 2010 at 1:57 AM

I think that silhouettes number 14 and 9 are the ones that look the most environmentally friendly. I think it is the back section of the car or "point 5" that really makes it look eco-friendly or not. Especially with some of the cars being bigger, you have to have some kind of streamline design to offset the largeness of the car. Some of them, like 11, just look like they are not functional. Can a person even fit in the front seat to drive?
It is funny how we can just look at something and totally assume certain characteristics. This post makes me think twice about which cars are environmentally friendly or unfriendly.