About Me

I am a senior Mechanical Engineering student at Clemson University. I have been married for 17 years. I have two children.

Journal Analysis

My articles have been from the Journal of Mechanical Design.  The articles are structured like most scientific journals with an abstract, introduction, background, procedure, results and conclusion.  However, there have been some variations in the articles that I have read.  Additional headings were sometimes listed to further analyze a particular area that was studied or to explain in more detail an aspect of importance.  Two articles even had a brief acknowledgement section.
References to other authors or researchers came in the form of a number (i.e. [1] or Ref. [1]) that could be matched in the reference section at the end of the article.  The articles never belittled another’s research or methods, but added to the technology or the methods that have already been disclosed.  The introduction usually made a statement regarding the problem at hand and how this particular research was going to assist in correcting the problem.
To relate to the Linton et al article, the examples that I have given show the conventions of structure and conventions of reference.  The articles have a clear flow to how the information is reported.  Also, the articles are very impersonal and lack emotion.
In relation to the Swale’s model, the articles, generally, established territory through reviewing previous research.  To establish a niche, gaps were usually indicated with an occasional question being posed.  To occupy the niche, a purpose statement was made as to the intentions of the research.
I enjoyed the articles.  At times the topics got very in-depth in the calculations and technical terminologies, but it is also exciting to me that as I am getting closer to graduation, it is all making perfect sense.


JRF | November 15, 2010 at 10:18 PM

This sounds very similar in structure as my Journal. I like the fact that yours is specifically relating to mechanical design. I tried to find one as specific as yours to mechanical engineering, but was unsuccessful in doing so for my interests. Maybe I will try to find the one you read and try it out for myself.