About Me

I am a senior Mechanical Engineering student at Clemson University. I have been married for 17 years. I have two children.

On to the next project

I have a sense of relief now that the instruction assignment is complete.  Not that it was so painfully hard to do, but it is nice to get to the other side of a project.

Without any wasted time we have our next assignment.  A group project.  I don't have any major group project horror stories. However, I have had a couple of lab partners over the years that were were interesting to work with.  One that wanted to write all of the lab reports and then acted like he wanted to keep them a secret from me.  That was frustrating.  Another focused on the fact that the report we were working on didn't have much weight on the final grade so didn't put his full efforts into the report.  That didn't sit well with me because it did contribute to the final grade and I wanted to do the best that I could.

For this project, I feel comfortable with my group.  I believe there is still some trust that needs to be gained from all of us.  I hope we all agree on the final goal and are motivated to achieve it.

I wish all the other groups good success on their projects.


JShomp | September 27, 2010 at 6:51 PM

You're lucky to not have any horror stories about working in groups! Although those lab partners seemed pretty bad to me.

I really don't like the type of person who doesn't put in their full effort on an assignment just because it's not a big part of the final grade. That's just laziness to me.

As one of your fellow group members, I really look forward to our project. I think we've got a solid group with hardworking individuals. From reading other people's horror stories, I definitely think there's still trust to be gained but I think we will be successful in the end!