About Me

I am a senior Mechanical Engineering student at Clemson University. I have been married for 17 years. I have two children.

Journal Analysis

My articles have been from the Journal of Mechanical Design.  The articles are structured like most scientific journals with an abstract, introduction, background, procedure, results and conclusion.  However, there have been some variations in the articles that I have read.  Additional headings were sometimes listed to further analyze a particular area that was studied or to explain in more detail an aspect of importance.  Two articles even had a brief acknowledgement section.
References to other authors or researchers came in the form of a number (i.e. [1] or Ref. [1]) that could be matched in the reference section at the end of the article.  The articles never belittled another’s research or methods, but added to the technology or the methods that have already been disclosed.  The introduction usually made a statement regarding the problem at hand and how this particular research was going to assist in correcting the problem.
To relate to the Linton et al article, the examples that I have given show the conventions of structure and conventions of reference.  The articles have a clear flow to how the information is reported.  Also, the articles are very impersonal and lack emotion.
In relation to the Swale’s model, the articles, generally, established territory through reviewing previous research.  To establish a niche, gaps were usually indicated with an occasional question being posed.  To occupy the niche, a purpose statement was made as to the intentions of the research.
I enjoyed the articles.  At times the topics got very in-depth in the calculations and technical terminologies, but it is also exciting to me that as I am getting closer to graduation, it is all making perfect sense.

Robotic Insects

I know that we all have been annoyed by flies at many times in our lives.  However, research is being done to mimic these little pests.  I was given an article this past summer out of the National Geographic magazine that told about many different animals that are being used as models to mimic special characteristics that they have.  The article that I have read for this post is focused on the model for the fly.

The article talks about developing a drivetrain that regulates torques that would give imbalance to the "fly" while in flight.  The draintrain that is being explored for the "fly" is being modeled after a drivetrain that is typically found in automobiles.  The main purpose is to supply the same amount of torque to both wings.

I found this article to be quite interesting.  The idea of modeling a fly is fascinating to me.  As you can see in Figure 1, the size is comparable to that of a real fly.   That is amazing to me.  I would be interested to hear of any similar article that you have read in regards to this subject.

Figure 1

How do yousee things?

What is one of the main criteria that is used in selecting a car?  I know that there are many, but probably one of the top ones is the appearance of the car.  A type of car may become popular and viewed as safe and efficient all based on the fact that it looks nice, all the while one does not have any information regarding the safety and efficiencyof that car.  How we perceive things is very important.

The paper that I read for this post dealt with this idea.  There is a growing emphasis on the environment and how we can be more eco-friendly and automakers are some of the main groups that are being targeted for this movement.  The paper talks about a method that was created to help automakers  in the design of thier cars.  It stated that just by seeing the silhouette of a car, one will perceive whether or not it is environmentally friendly.

A survey was created that contained images of car silhouettes, as shown in the following picture,

Figure 1

They picked 7 points on the silhouette and changed them to give the car a different look.

Figure 2
 The ratings were based on how people percieved the car as environmently friendly and if the shape was inspired by nature. 

I have decided not to disclose the results for this study because I would be interested to see what your perception of these silhouettes are.  Refer to Figure 1 and comment on the top two silhouettes you think meet the criteria.

Sustainable Design

Mechanical Engineering is a vast field of study, however I am focusing more on design and mechatronics (yes I used Wikipedia).  The Journal of Mechanical Design is were I got my article for the blog entry.  The September issue that I got the article from was dedicated to sustainable design.   There has been such an awareness to the environment and how waste can be reduced over the past several years.  In mechanical systems there are numerous ways that energy is lost, so as an engineer it would be wise to reduce that lost or even redirect it to another system. 

The issue that got the article from dealt with these issues.  The title of the article is "A Device for Harvesting Energy From Rotational Vibrations".  I found it to be an interesting article.  It was very technical with many equations and figures.

As I metioned, there are many ways that energy can be lost in mechanical systems, but specifically in dealing with components that rotate like gears and cams.  There is energy lost through the vibrations of these components.  The article states that through the use of electromagnetic induction the potential energy of the vibrations can be harvested.

The approach that the authors took in their research was to first develop an analytical model of the harvester and present that first.  Second, they designed the prototype based on their theories and test details for each element.  Finally, they tested the prototype and compared the data they obtained to the models they developed.  The outputs were not very large, but enough to possibly energize other components in surrounding systems.

I have tried to be clear and concise in presenting this article.  Any feedback would be appreciated so that it could help me with the ones to follow.